God knows you, would you like to know Him?

Jeremiah 1:5
“I chose you before I formed you in the womb; I set you apart before you were born. I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

It is no coincidence you are here on this page. Every moment of your life, God has been pursuing you. He knows you and yet He still wants a closer relationship with you. God is referred to as Heavenly Father in the Bible’s New Testament, because Jesus is called the Son of God, and he teaches that we are also sons and daughters of God. The people in the Old Testament and almost all Jewish people would hesitate to call God Father, because it would mean that we would have some kind of direct relationship with Him. The good news is, He longs for a direct relationship with each and everyone of us…His children whom He loves.

God is knocking on the door of your heart, are you ready to respond?

John 14:6
“Jesus told him, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Where does Jesus Christ fit into this story and why is what he said in the Bible important? According to the Bible – whom many believe is not only the word of God written through people, but also a history book recording real world events – Jesus is called the Son of God. Jesus did walk the earth like you and I, but the big difference is that he was God manifested in human form. Jesus came to show God’s love for us and to die for our sins [the Hebrew word for sin means to miss the mark or to go astray], which severes our relationship with God. Jesus had to come and die, because only God can provide a great enough sacrifice to cover all of our acts against Him. 

Jesus set an example for how we can have a relationship with God and to share that relationship with others. Would you like to have a relationship with God?

Hebrews 13:5
“I will never leave you or forsake you.”

Have you heard about what God has promised to those who trust Him? God does not promise our lives will be easy or that everything we ask for will be granted. However, he does promise that He will be with us wherever we are, and whatever situation we’re in. You don’t earn God’s love, He gives it freely. He wants to be with you, so you can depend on Him when things are good and when things are tough. God kept His promise in the book of Hebrews, because when Jesus died, he left behind someone called the Helper. This is the Holy Spirit, the third person of God. The Holy Spirit is available to anyone who believes in what Jesus said about who he is and who God the Father is. The Holy Spirit is the same presence of God that lived in Jesus, that is made available to you. 

Would you like the helper to come into your life and have God be with you in every moment?

1 Peter 3:18
“For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring you to God. He was put to death in the flesh, but made alive by the Spirit”

The fact there are Christians [someone who calls Jesus Christ their Lord and Saviour] 2,000 years after Jesus died and rose again is a miracle in itself. It is because we are not doing any of this of on our own. Jesus died, but he was brought back to life. Jesus has gone to prepare a place for us when we meet him face to face. This place is widely known as Heaven, but it will be much more amazing than what you can imagine. The miracle is, God is alive, Jesus is alive, and the Holy Spirit is alive. The three people that make up the wholeness of God is alive today, longing to walk with you, longing to talk with you, and longing for you to invest in a relationship with them. God will give you hope for today and tomorrow. Your past does not define you. Your future is ahead, waiting to be molded, and you don’t have to do it alone. Come as you are, but you won’t stay the same. 

Do you want to experience this living hope? 

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